Open facilities

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Open facilities

These are scientific and technological environments that house high-tech equipment which are made available to researchers and students from around the world. LNBio’s open facilities provide laboratory supplies and also have a specialized technical team.

In return for the use of the facilities, academic users are expected to publish the findings from their research in the scientific literature. The facilities also allow scientific collaboration and contribute to the training of human resources in research and teaching institutions. During their visits, users receive training and guidance on operating the equipment and obtaining the data they need to advance their research.

When outside researchers have scientific hypotheses and need LNBio’s array of equipment to conduct experiments, they can submit research proposals via the SAU Online user support platform according to the timeline for using the open facilities. This information is published on this site, on CNPEM’s User’s Office (EDU) page, and on social media.

Mass Spectrometry Laboratory (MAS) 01/08/2024 to 31/08/2024 03/02/2025 to 12/12/2025
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory (RMN) 06/01/2025 to 15/12/2025 20/01/2025 to 18/12/2025
Automatic Protein Crystallization Laboratory (ROBOLAB) 06/01/2025 to 05/12/2025 13/01/2025 to 12/12/2025
Spectroscopy and Calorimetry Laboratory (LEC) 06/01/2025 to 05/12/2025 20/01/2025 to 12/12/2025
Biomolecule Synthesis Laboratory (LSB)

15/08/2024 to 30/09/2024
10/02/2025 to 15/03/2025
09/06/2025 to 21/07/2025

01/12/2024 to 30/03/2025
21/04/2025 to 31/08/2025
01/09/2025 to 05/12/2025

Biological Imaging Laboratory

06/01/2025 to 08/12/2025

27/01/2025 to 15/12/2025

Protein Purification Laboratory 10/12/2024 to 15/01/2025
15/04/2025 to 20/05/2025
01/02/2025 to 30/06/2025
01/07/2025 to 30/11/2025

Dates are displayed in dd/mm/yyyy format.

Learn more about our open facilities

About the open facilities

LNBio currently operates seven open facilities that permit high-complexity experimentation and multidisciplinary research in different areas of life science including structural biology, proteomics, metabolomics, drug prospecting, and bioimaging.

Serving external users by allowing free access to the open facilities is an important part of CNPEM’s mission, and is primarily funded via a management contract between CNPEM and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI). For more information, contact CNPEM’s lines of activity. Research promotion and funding agencies also collaborate with the Center by acquiring multi-user equipment. For more information, see CNPEM’s lines of activity.