Welcome to LNBio

Transforming scientific challenges into advanced therapies for public health, with integrated and sustainable approaches

Scientific divisions

LNBio is structured into four divisions: Immunity and Pathogens, Integrative Biology, Facilities and Services, and Advanced Health Technologies

Open facilities

The facilities provide the community cutting-edge infrastructure that makes it possible to conduct high-complexity experiments and multidisciplinary research in the life sciences


R,D&I partnerships span the development of new technologies or optimization of existing ones, making use of CNPEM’s infrastructure, competencies, and scientific know-how

Brazilian Biosciences National Laboratory

The Brazilian Biosciences National Laboratory (LNBio), which focuses on integrative biology, is dedicated to solving health challenges in the Anthropocene era. Structured into four divisions, LNBio directs its efforts toward developing new therapeutic solutions to treat publicly relevant illnesses, especially in cases that can benefit the public health system. This work is supported by LNBio’s laboratory infrastructure, which permits cutting-edge methods and experimental techniques, as well as its matrix-format work model.

News and events


XIII Proteomics Workshop

The XIII Proteomics Workshop will take place online, from November 6th to 8th, 2024, the participants will learn from a program comprising classes by experts in proteomics and mass spectrometry. They can also participate in virtual Flash Talks. Applications from September 2nd until the 15th 2024.

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A segunda edição do SEM-FIB Workshop foi concluída! Realizado de 26 a 30 de agosto, o evento abordou técnicas de microscopia eletrônica de varredura, com ênfase em EDS e EBSD.
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