Facilities and services

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Facilities and services

The mission of LNBio’s Facilities and Services division is to incorporate methods to produce essential information and attain outstanding scientific results. This division plays a fundamental role in executing, refining, and developing experimental approaches, expanding laboratory infrastructure, and encouraging research innovation. With a new modern equipment complex, it directly supports the Center’s lines of activity. Highlights are the specialized labs such as the Protein Crystallization Laboratory, which collaborates with X-ray diffraction in LNLS-Sirius. The Spectroscopy and Calorimetry Laboratory studies macromolecules, while the Bioimaging Laboratory uses advanced techniques in collaboration with LNLS-Sirius and LNNano, adopting a multidisciplinary approach.

meet our groups

meet our team

Juliana Ferreira Oliveira

Division leader

Celisa Caldana Tonoli

Lead specialist

biomolecules group
See Lattes CV

Mauricio Sforça

Lead specialist

analytical spectroscopy group
See Lattes CV

Juliana Ferreira Oliveira

Lead researcher (interim)

group of advanced methodologies in biology
See Lattes CV

Juliana Ferreira Oliveira

Lead researcher (interim)

bioassay group
See Lattes CV

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Expanding the understanding of diseases, identifying molecular targets for personalized therapies, and translating discoveries into health benefits

Expanding our understanding of the mechanisms of viral and bacterial illnesses and those that affect neglected populations, such as Chagas disease

Acting as a catalyst and carrying out complex tasks, transforming scientific knowledge into technologies for Brazilian healthcare