This group studies neglected parasitic diseases such as Chagas, which are associated with poverty and precarious health conditions
This group studies neglected parasitic diseases such as Chagas, which are associated with poverty and precarious health conditions
This group focuses on arboviruses, which have not yet been widely studied and are transmitted by vectors present in our ecosystem
Chagas Home /Imunidade e patógenos The study of neglected diseases such as Chagas is essential because of the disproportionate impact these diseases have on vulnerable populations. Research in this field is crucial to understand underlying mechanisms, develop more effective and accessible treatments, as well as to refine new diagnostic methods. Within this context, LNBio is…
Virology Home /Imunidade e patógenos Analyzing the structural details of viral proteins makes it possible to identify specific therapeutic targets, which are fundamental for developing antivirals. Considering the global increase in arboviruses like dengue, Zika, and chikungunya, a structural approach offers crucial insights for planning innovative therapeutic interventions in order to mitigate the impact of…