Researchers of the Center of Research on Inflammatory Diseases (CRID|CEPID) visit LNBio
Research groups discuss research and collaboration
Research groups discuss research and collaboration
Course on biopharmaceuticals – medicines produced through biotechnological processes
LNBio researcher awarded the David Blow Memorial prize at the British Crystallographic Association spring meeting.
Science Mag highlights the new Brazilian “biodiversity law” which regulates research on “genetic resources”
LNBio research in partnership with Unicamp and University of Dundee is awarded by BCA
Brazilian Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation had visited LNBio during Pacheco´s swearing-in ceremony
Funded by the European Commission, the Project aims to develop new drugs against neglected diseases.
Mechanism described in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) may lead to the development of new antibiotics
New in vitro assays and computer simulation models are reducing animal experiments
Funded by the European Commission, the Project aims to develop new drugs against neglected diseases.