Data: 08/04/2013 – 08:30:00
Fim: 08/04/2013 – 17:00:00
Onde: CNPEM – Rua Giuseppe Máximo Scolfaro, 10.000 – Campinas, SÃO PAULO 13280000 Brazil – Telefone: 19 35121267
The founding member of the kinases Nek family (NIMA related kinase) is the protein NIMA (Never in mitosis A) of Aspergillus nidulans. The loss of its function causes arrest in the G2 phase of the cell cycle and its over-expression premature entry in mitosis. In humans 11 members of this family are known and recent studies indicate the involvement of some members of this family in various steps of the regulation of the cell cycle progression, mainly in the formation of the mitotic spindle, centrossomal disjunction and in the DNA damage response. Recent results from our group with several members of the Nek family are presented and discussed in the context of the literature, aiming to explore some members of Neks family as tumor biomarkers and potential targets in cancer therapy.
Dr. Jörg Kobarg – LNBio
8th April – 8:30 am
LNBio – Room 69
Campus – Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais – CNPEM
Giuseppe M. Scolfaro, 10.000 – Guará
Phone: (19) 3512-1010