Data: 31/08/2015 – 14:00:00
Fim: 04/09/2015 – 16:00:00
Onde: CNPEM – Rua Giuseppe Máximo Scolfaro, 10.000 – Campinas, SÃO PAULO 13280000 Brazil – Telefone: 19 35121267
Registration for the II Workshop on Recent Advances and Applications in Confocal and Widefield Microscopy is open until June 26th. The workshop will comprise three different training opportunities: (i) The Minicourse on Basic Principles of Light Microscopy on August 31th; (ii) Lectures on Confocal and Widefield Microscopy on September 1st and 2nd; (iii) Practical activities in four different microscopy platforms on September 3rd and 4th. All these initiatives will be held at the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM) campus, located in Campinas – SP. The workshop will receive a limited number of participants. Researchers and students interested in the Workshop should register for free at: <>.
The II Workshop on Recent Advances and Applications in Confocal and Widefield Microscopy is promoted by the Brazilian Biosciences National Laboratory (LNBio) and supported by Leica Microsystems. It will feature lectures on confocal and widefield microscopy, super resolution, correlative light electron microscopy and light sheet microscopy. The scientific program will also comprise the use of widefield and confocal microscopy as a tool to study different research fields, such as neurobiology, cell and developmental biology. There will be oral and poster sessions, when researchers and students will have the opportunity to present results obtained through the usage of microscopy techniques. More information is available on: <>.
Confocal Microscopy
The confocal microscopy is mainly used to localize proteins inside the cells, as well as to identify molecular interactions. This technique allows imaging of in vivo or fixed biological samples, three-dimensional reconstruction, 3D animation and dynamic experiments in live imaging (time lapse).
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