Mass Photometry – Refeyn TwoMP

Mass Photometry – Refeyn TwoMP

Mass Photometry – Refeyn TwoMP

Mass photometry (MP) measures the molecular mass of label-free single molecules in solution, by quantifying light scattering from individual biomolecules in solution. MP combines principles of interference reflection microscopy and interferometric scattering microscopy, allowing the equipment to quantify the interference between light scattered by molecules and light reflected by the measuring surface. The result of this measurement is known as mass photometry contrast, or interferometric contrast, and maintains a direct correlation with the molecular mass of the substances analyzed.

Applications – Determination of molecular mass, sample heterogeneity, purity, polydispersity, oligomerization analysis, measurements of biomolecular interactions and analysis of proteins and protein complexes, DNA, RNA, and lipids.

Useful Information:

Access for users: submissions via SAU Online
How to submit proposals: consult the proposal submission guide
Contact: visit the Team page