Seminar: "In silico docking of small molecules"

Informações Data: 01/08/2013 – 08:00:00 Fim: 01/08/2013 – 17:00:00 Onde: CNPEM – Rua Giuseppe Máximo Scolfaro, 10.000 – Campinas, SÃO PAULO 13280000 Brazil – Telefone: 19 35121267 Detalhes Computational molecular docking is a well-established technique that provides a structural conformation and interaction energy between two molecules. This prediction is done using algorithms such as Monte…

Functional and structural studies of ABC transporters: pathogenesis and drug resistance"

Informações Data: 12/08/2013 – 08:30:00 Fim: 12/08/2013 – 17:00:00 Onde: CNPEM – Rua Giuseppe Máximo Scolfaro, 10.000 – Campinas, SÃO PAULO 13280000 Brazil – Telefone: 19 35121267 Detalhes Speaker: Dr. Michael Jerosch-Herold – Director of Cardiac MR Imaging Physics, Brigham & Women’s Hospital – Professor of Radiology, Brigham & Women’s Hospital – Harvard Medical School 13th June at 8:30am Sala…

Seminar: Active Glutaminase C self-assembles into a supra-tetrameric oligomer which can be disrupted by an allosteric inhibitor

Informações Data: 12/08/2013 – 08:30:00 Fim: 12/08/2013 – 17:00:00 Onde: CNPEM – Rua Giuseppe Máximo Scolfaro, 10.000 – Campinas, SÃO PAULO 13280000 Brazil – Telefone: 19 35121267 Detalhes Abstract: The phosphate-dependent transition between enzimatically inert dimers into catalytically-capable tetramers has long been the accepted mechanism for the glutaminase activation. Here, we demonstrate that activated Glutaminase…

Seminar: Thyroid hormones: Mechanisms of action and receptor regulation

Informações Data: 26/08/2013 – 08:30:00 Fim: 26/08/2013 – 17:00:00 Onde: CNPEM – Rua Giuseppe Máximo Scolfaro, 10.000 – Campinas, SÃO PAULO 13280000 Brazil – Telefone: 19 35121267 Detalhes Abstract: The Thyroid Hormone Receptors (TRs) are members of the nuclear receptors superfamily, which act as transcription regulators modulated by ligand binding. The regulation of these proteins…

Seminar: Subcellular location of proteins: light and electron microscopy at the boundary between cell and molecular biology

Informações Data: 02/09/2013 – 08:30:00 Fim: 02/09/2013 – 17:00:00 Onde: CNPEM – Rua Giuseppe Máximo Scolfaro, 10.000 – Campinas, SÃO PAULO 13280000 Brazil – Telefone: 19 35121267 Detalhes Abstract: In this seminar, it will be presented the advances in the boundary between cell and molecular biology aiming the achievement of correlative light and electron microscopy images,…

IV Proteomics Workshop

Informações Data: 06/11/2013 – 00:00:00 Fim: 07/11/2013 – 23:59:59 Onde: CNPEM – Rua Giuseppe Máximo Scolfaro, 10.000 – Campinas, SÃO PAULO 13280000 Brazil – Telefone: 19 35121267 Detalhes The registration for the IV Proteomics Workshop is opened. The event is organized by the Brazilian Biosciences National Laboratory (LNBio) and it is going to be held…

Seminar: “Synchrotron imaging of biological systems”

Informações Data: 09/09/2013 – 08:30:00 Fim: 09/09/2013 – 17:00:00 Onde: CNPEM – Rua Giuseppe Máximo Scolfaro, 10.000 – Campinas, SÃO PAULO 13280000 Brazil – Telefone: 19 35121267 Detalhes Abstract: Synchrotrons provide a wide variety of techniques for imaging biological matter with micro- and nanoscale spatial resolution, sub-ppm detection sensitivity and chemical contrast, using radiation from infrared…

Seminar: “Real-time Monitoring of Gene Expression in Living Cells by Bioluminescent Detection System”.

Informações Data: 23/09/2013 – 08:30:00 Fim: 23/09/2013 – 17:00:00 Onde: CNPEM – Rua Giuseppe Máximo Scolfaro, 10.000 – Campinas, SÃO PAULO 13280000 Brazil – Telefone: 19 35121267 Detalhes Abstract: Bioluminescence is one of the important tools for analysis of biomolecular dynamics. Particularly, the reporter gene assay utilizing luciferin-luciferase reaction is widely used for monitoring gene…

Seminar: Next-generation sequencing

Informações Data: 16/09/2013 – 09:00:00 Fim: 16/09/2013 – 17:00:00 Onde: CNPEM – Rua Giuseppe Máximo Scolfaro, 10.000 – Campinas, SÃO PAULO 13280000 Brazil – Telefone: 19 35121267 Detalhes Speaker: Dr. John Blangero – Texas Biomedical Research Institute 16th September at 9:00 am Room 69 – LNBio Campus – Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e…

Workshop on Drug Design and Neglected Tropical Diseases

Informações Data: 28/10/2013 – 00:00:00 Fim: 01/11/2013 – 23:59:59 Onde: CNPEM – Rua Giuseppe Máximo Scolfaro, 10.000 – Campinas, SÃO PAULO 13280000 Brazil – Telefone: 19 35121267 Detalhes Synopsis – Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), caused by infections by parasites (protists and worms), bacteria and viruses form still, in 2013, a tremendous health problem in most…